A client told me today in a consult that he used to listen to a lot of health related podcasts but realized that they talked about things that often scared him and left him feeling overwhelmed and even more alone.
He kept hearing about how bad everything is for us and how we have to change everything and almost live in a bubble.
Well.. yes…of course there are many things that we know are not good for us BUT we have to do things in a balanced way because oftentimes the fear and stress about these things can be just as bad as the offender itself.
He told me that he enjoyed listening to my podcast because I always give an answer. I never really thought that the way I present the information was particularly special because that is how I normally do things and the podcast is just an extension of how I operate but of course it was nice to hear.
I truly believe there is always an underlying answer if you dig deep enough and we CAN figure it out.
My goal is to really show you guys that for almost all the cases, there are answers, they really are out there, and there is also HOPE!
I am not here to scare you or overwhelm you but show you that if you are dealing with a health issue, there is likely something you can do about it even if others have told you you have to live with it.
So if you’re dealing with a health issue, please keep in mind that almost anything is figure-outable. Sometimes the answer is right in front of your face and sometimes the answer requires a bit of digging and may not be what you may have guessed off hand, but its out there.
Let’s stop fearing and worrying about all that is bad for us and instead shift our mindset more about health and all the things we CAN do and change and we the things we CAN control so we can take a step forward to healing!
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