The Super Simple Mindset Shift to Help Hashimoto's - Inna Topiler

Want my insights on what is REALLY going on with your thyroid?

Join Inna Topiler as she reveals Hashimoto's and Hypothyroidism issues surrounding your Thyroid

The Super Simple Mindset Shift to Help Hashimoto’s

The Critical Twofold Approach to Supporting Hashimoto’s

The Investigation

Being diagnosed with Hashimoto’s is the beginning of a long journey that can sometimes be overwhelming. There is a lot of information, which is good, but when it comes to Hashimoto’s it’s important to first know where you are getting information to make sure it’s correct. You also need to know what to do with all of that information.

This episode of the Health Mysteries Solved podcast is dedicated to helping you figure where to start and what to do next if you aren’t getting results. 

Supporting Hashimoto’s with a Twofold Approach 

Before we dive into the twofold approach for supporting Hashimoto’s we need to remember what’s actually going on. Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune disease that causes the immune system to attach the thyroid. Under attack, the thyroid becomes slow and will eventually get destroyed. 

It’s common for those with Hashimoto’s to have many different symptoms as a result of the slow thyroid and from the dysfunctioning immune system. 

In order to support Hashimoto’s we need to support both the thyroid and the immune system. A well supported immune system can reduce and even stop the attack on the thyroid. 

This twofold approach differs from what most conventional medical doctors will prescribe. They tend to focus only on getting the thyroid levels into range using medication. They don’t often help patients with supporting the immune system. 

Supporting the Immune System to Reduce Hashimoto’s Symptoms

In order to support the immune system, the first thing to do is reduce the changes of the immune system being triggered. There are four key immune system triggers to consider: 

  • Food
  • Stress
  • Toxins
  • Infection

Stress and Hashimoto’s 

Of the four triggers, stress is one that can play such a huge role in so many areas of health. And, it’s so pervasive in our culture it can be hard to avoid. However, it’s important to note that two people can face the same stress and have very different reactions, which is going to impact their individual health differently. So the trick is not necessarily to avoid stress but to reframe how you think about it and manage it effectively. 

There is one easy thing that you can do right now to help you better manage stress and therefore protect your immune system from triggering a Hashimoto’s flare up. Notice when you say or think the phrase “I have to…”

How often do you say it? Where do you use it? Take a note of all of these times and then reframe the way you think about it. 

Yes, there are things that need to be done but when you use the phrase ‘have to’ it creates urgency which can put the body into that ‘fight or flight’ mode. Being in this sympathetic state can increase the release of stress hormones. If this is going on all the time, all day long, then the immune system may struggle to deal with the Hashimoto’s attack on the thyroid. 

It can be as simple as changing the way you think or speak about the things that need to get done. For example, you may be thinking about your house being dirty. If you think or say, ‘I have to clean the house,’ then your body will think it’s an emergency and trigger a stress response. On the other hand, if you come from a place of joy and gratitude, you might instead think, ‘I get to clean my house today and enjoy a clean home which is more than many people have.’

Avoiding the Stress of a Hashimoto’s Diet

It can be a double edged sword – food can be a trigger for Hashimoto’s but stressing out about what to eat can cause stress that can be a trigger. 

You find yourself thinking, ‘I have to go gluten free, I should avoid dairy, I really have to eat better tomorrow, I messed up today…’

These dietary shifts can be powerful in supporting your Hashimoto’s but if you’re trying to do it, struggling, and then using heavily charged words (or thoughts) about it, you may be creating stress.  

Once again, the solution is to shift the language and thought process around these dietary choices. Try switching your thoughts and words to, ‘today, I choose to eat gluten free. I chose this because I know that I feel better when I eat this way,’ By switching to the idea that you are choosing your dietary shifts because you know it will help you feel good, you switch out of that sympathetic response caused by limiting language. 

Wake Up Positive to Reduce Chances of a Hashimoto’s Stress Response

This is an easy yet powerful tool to help with the stress trigger. Notice what you think about first thing in the morning as you wake up. Pay attention to that first thought as you open your eyes. Your first thought can shape the flow of your day and can shift your stress response. 

If you focus on what you need to do or all of the things that have to get done, you are starting your day in stress. 

Instead, try this. Wake up with joy, curiosity, and gratitude. Think something like, ‘some of the best experiences of my life have not happened yet. What will I experience today?’

This way you are not telling yourself the kind of day it will be, you are allowing it to unfold with wonder. It’s super simple and yet it can shift your mood for the entire day. 

Final Thoughts on Stress Management with Hashimoto’s

Aside from shifting how you think and speak about your day-to-day world, there are many other things that can also help reduce your stress, including:

  • Moving your body
  • Meditation
  • Listening to music
  • Talking to a friend
  • Taking a walk in nature

If all of that seems like too much to take on all at once, don’t discount these simple mindset shifts – they can really propel you forward.

Next Steps

As you address stress, then you can start looking at some of the other triggers like foods, infections, and toxins as well as really supporting your thyroid. 

If you need more support and useful information, take advantage of my free training on discovering your thyroid type and supporting Hashimoto’s with this twofold approach. Access that free training here:

Eliminating Health Mysteries

I know that living with Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism is not always easy and can be overwhelming at times. I’m here to tell you there is so much you can do. Could reducing subtle stresses be the missing part for you or someone in your life with Hashimoto’s? Be sure to share this episode… not because you have to but because you want to. 


Resources Mentioned: Free Hypothyroidism Support Training

Related Podcast Episodes:

Top 5 Things I Wish I’d Done Sooner on my Hashimoto’s Healing Journey [Ask Inna] What You Want to Know about Losing Weight & Feeling Good with Hashimoto’s [Ask Inna] Answers to Your Questions about Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s [Ask Inna] Answers to All Your Hashimoto’s Questions [Ask Inna] More Answers to Your Hashimoto’s Questions (Part 2)

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