Hashimoto’s Connection to Dry, Saggy, Wrinkly Skin and How to Reverse It with Dr. William Davis - Inna Topiler

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Hashimoto’s Connection to Dry, Saggy, Wrinkly Skin and How to Reverse It with Dr. William Davis

The Surprising Root Cause of Dry, Thin, Wrinkly Skin in Hashimoto’s

Before we review Alicia’s case and introduce you to our guest expert, I know some of you have come here looking for the link to the Gut To Glow!

Here is the link: https://completenutritionandwellness.com/shop/gut-to-glow.html

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The Case:

  • Alicia has Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism.
  • She’s experiencing fatigue, bloating, and skin issues (dry, irritated, saggy, and wrinkly skin)
  • She tried changing her diet based on her doctor’s recommendation, but the bloating persisted
  • She’d tried countless lotions and potions for her skin but nothing worked

I met Alicia inside my Thyroid Mystery Solved program and wasn’t surprised to hear the topical treatments for her skin weren’t working. Believe it or not, her bloating was my first clue as to why.

The Investigation – The Gut, Skin, Thyroid Connection

Most people who experience dry skin reach for the lotion. When it doesn’t work, they reach for more expensive lotion. They don’t realize that it’s all connected to their thyroid as well as their gut especially with Hashimoto’s or hypothyroidism. So, when I heard about Alicia’s issues with bloating and her skin, I knew we needed to dig more into her thyroid type and also explore what is happening in her gut.

This is something that Dr. William Davis has been researching for some time. You may recognize the name from his best-selling books Wheat Belly and Super Gut. He was also on the show a little while ago talking about how to improve digestion and slow down the aging process. It’s episode 112 if you want to give it a listen. We are further exploring the role that our microbiome plays in skin radiance and optimal thyroid function.

The Microbiome: Our Internal Powerhouse

Our conversation was quite in-depth but the first thing you need to understand is that your gut is bustling with trillions of microbes. These diverse inhabitants aren’t just passive bystanders; they actively influence our well-being in numerous ways, including digestion, immunity, and, as Dr. Davis highlights, our skin and thyroid health. Recent research sheds light on this fascinating connection, revealing how specific bacterial strains within our gut microbiome can significantly impact the health and appearance of our skin and the function of our thyroid gland.

Dr. Davis explains that there is a good chance it’s a result of SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) which is estimated to affect at least half the population, and it’s particularly common in individuals with autoimmune conditions like Hashimoto’s. The presence of these “bad” bacteria in the small intestine, where nutrient absorption occurs, can lead to inflammation, dryness, redness, and even rashes. Conditions like seborrheic dermatitis, rosacea, and psoriasis can all be linked to imbalanced gut flora.

Restoring Balance: The Power of Lactobacillus Reuteri

So, what can we do to address this gut-skin connection and have the radiant skin we want? Dr. Davis emphasizes the importance of restoring a specific microbe we’ve all lost –  Lactobacillus Reuteri. This unique probiotic strain (almost impossible to find in most people today) has the remarkable ability to colonize the entire GI tract, including the small intestine.

Unlike other probiotics that mainly reach the colon, Reuteri takes up residence throughout the gut, producing natural antibiotics called bacteriocins that fight off the harmful fecal microbes. This reduction in “bad” bacteria lowers the toxic burden in the bloodstream, leading to noticeable improvements in skin health.

But the benefits of Reuteri go even further. It communicates with the brain via the vagus nerve, triggering the release of oxytocin, the “love hormone” known for its positive effects on skin health, body shape, and overall well-being. Oxytocin stimulates the production of dermal collagen, leading to plumper, smoother skin.

Is SIBO Causing Dry, Wrinkly Skin?

Dr. Davis highlights the complex interplay between various lifestyle choices and underlying health conditions. While the exact cause of SIBO remains unclear, Dr. Davis suggests some potential causes.

Potential Culprits Behind SIBO:

  • Stomach Acid Blockers: These medications, often used for heartburn, can weaken the barrier against harmful microbes, allowing them to migrate from the colon and mouth into the small intestine.
  • Antibiotic and Glyphosate Exposure: Excessive use of antibiotics and exposure to herbicides like glyphosate can disrupt the delicate balance of gut bacteria, favoring the growth of “bad” microbes.
  • Hypothyroidism: Reduced thyroid function (low T3) can lead to sluggish gut motility, creating an environment conducive to SIBO overgrowth.
  • Food Additives: Certain preservatives and emulsifiers commonly found in processed foods can have antibacterial properties, further disrupting the gut microbiome.

Recognizing the Signs of SIBO

If these potential culprits are ringing a few bells for you and you’re feeling like you might be susceptible to SIBO, Dr. Davis shares some signs that you may have SIBO.

Potential signs of SIBO:

  • Fat Malabsorption: Oily stools or floating poops indicate undigested fat, a potential sign of SIBO interfering with fat digestion.
  • Food Intolerances: Sensitivities to nightshades, legumes, FODMAPs, or histamine-containing foods can be linked to SIBO’s disruption of the digestive process.
  • Associated Conditions: Fibromyalgia, IBS, inflammatory bowel disease, autoimmune conditions, neurodegenerative disorders, and even obesity are highly associated with SIBO and endotoxemia.

Dr. Davis paints a startling picture, suggesting that SIBO and its associated endotoxemia might be the underlying cause of many modern chronic diseases. He cites studies showing a significant portion of individuals with conditions like obesity, IBS, and autoimmune diseases testing positive for SIBO. These numbers paint a grim picture, highlighting the potential vastness of this largely unrecognized epidemic.

The Systemic Impact of Endotoxemia

It’s important that we also talk about endotoxemia because it impacts so much more than just the gut. Endotoxemia happens when microbes in the small intestine die, releasing toxins called lipopolysaccharides (LPS) into the bloodstream. These toxins have a domino effect, impacting various organs and systems throughout the body.

Dr. Davis paints a stark picture, emphasizing that no organ is immune to the effects of endotoxemia. From skin health and brain function to thyroid regulation and heart health, this systemic inflammation can contribute to a myriad of chronic conditions. While conventional medications might address symptoms, they often fail to address the underlying root cause – SIBO and its associated endotoxemia.

How to Test for SIBO

Dr. Davis recommends a simple breath test called AIRE to detect SIBO. He says this is a consumer-friendly tool that measures hydrogen and methane gas in your breath. These gasses are produced by microbes, offering valuable insights into their activity within your gut. By mapping these microbial populations, you can gain a deeper understanding of your gut health and identify potential SIBO overgrowth. This consumer option seems much easier than what my patients usually have to go through at a testing center which can take several hours. This consumer option also puts the power in patients’ hands as many doctors, even gastroenterologists, may be hesitant to test for SIBO.

Treating SIBO – A New Approach

Many people reach for antibiotics as a way to treat SIBO but in some cases that may actually do more harm than good. Dr. Davis proposes a unique solution: a microbial yogurt specifically designed to combat SIBO and endotoxemia.

The Science Behind the “SIBO-Yogurt”:

  • Targeted Microbes: This yogurt contains three key players: Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus gasseri BNR17, and Bacillus coagulans. These strains strategically target the small intestine, colonize it, and produce bacteriocins, natural antibiotics that fight off the harmful “bad” bacteria.
  • Extended Fermentation: The yogurt undergoes a unique 36-hour fermentation process, allowing the beneficial microbes to multiply significantly. This ensures a potent dose with each serving.
  • Addressing the Root Cause: Unlike traditional probiotics that mainly reach the colon, this yogurt tackles the issue at its source – the small intestine. By reducing SIBO and endotoxemia, it aims to address the root cause of various health concerns.

Dr. Davis reports significant results including:

  • 90% Success Rate: In a study of 50 individuals, 90% converted to hydrogen-negative after consuming the yogurt for four weeks, indicating a significant reduction in SIBO.
  • Symptom Relief: Participants reported improvements in various symptoms associated with SIBO and endotoxemia, including rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune thyroid issues, and skin conditions like rosacea.
  • Beyond Gut Health: The benefits extend far beyond the gut. Dr. Davis highlights improvements in skin health, muscle strength, libido, bone density, and even social interactions due to the increased oxytocin production.

Important Notes About Taking SIBO-Yogurt

This “SIBO-yogurt” is not commercially available and requires specific preparation methods (Dr. Davis invites listeners to his website for more information on the process). It’s also important to note that symptoms may be worse in the ‘die-off’ phase including anxiety, panic, racing heart, sometimes low-grade fever, and/or achy muscles, according to Dr. Davis. He suggests you may consider using a binder like activated charcoal or Bentonite clay as these will bind the LPS and allow you to excrete them. It’s important to consult a health practitioner for support during this process.

While the initial four-week daily protocol is recommended, Dr. Davis suggests incorporating the yogurt into your diet a few times a week for long-term maintenance.

Dr. Davis provides a step-by-step guide for making SIBO yogurt at home. Find it here. You may want to get a yogurt maker or use an Instant Pot.

What is also extremely exciting is that there is now a new product called Gut to Glow that harnesses the power of L Reuteri, collagen and astaxanthin. You can use with with the yogurt and can use it to make the yogurt starter and you can use the supplement alone without the yogurt if you didn’t want to make the yogurt or on days you are not eating the yogurt so that you can keep the levels of L Reuteri steady in the gut for both gut and skin health.

You can see more about Gut To Glow here

Mystery Solved – Alicia’s Transformation

My suspicions that Alicia’s skin issues and bloating shared a root cause needed to be tested and the first thing I wanted to look at was her thyroid.

Alicia was the high TSH type, most people don’t realize there are 3 different subtypes of high TSH; she was Subtype 3. By the way, I share so much information to help you fully understand your thyroid type in my newsletter so make sure you’re on my email list. This is also where I send out invites to my limited-time free training and support calls.

Once we had identified her thyroid subtype, we implemented personalized support to optimize her thyroid function. Within just two months, her TSH went from 4.5 to 2.3, showcasing the power of tailored interventions.

Simultaneously, we addressed her gut health through stool and SIBO testing. We incorporated three products from Biotics Research: ADP, FC Cidal, and Dysbiocide followed by homemade yogurt and Gut To Glow.

Happy Ending

While initially her bloating worsened and she was discouraged, Alicia persevered, and the results were remarkable. Within two months, bloating and distention diminished, and her skin really improved. The saggy, dryness was replaced by more radiance and she needed a lot less lotion. Even wrinkles appeared diminished.

Alicia’s experience is a testament to the holistic approach to well-being. By addressing the interconnectedness of the gut, thyroid, and skin, we can unlock a more radiant appearance from within.

Eliminating Health Mysteries

For Alicia, we were able to find that missing piece of the health puzzle and help her regain her health. Could this be the missing clue for you or someone in your life?


Resources mentioned

Thanks to my guest Dr. William Davis. You can connect with him on Facebook and Instagram. Check out his products here and grab his books and SIBO yogurt recipe on his website.

Suggested Products

 ADP FC Cidal Dysbiocide Gut to Glow 

Related Podcast Episodes:

66 Could You Be Gluten Sensitive Even If You Tested Negative? 112 How to Reprogram your Gut Microbiome for Optimal Digestion, Weight Loss and Anti-Aging 72 Could Glyphosate be Causing Gluten Intolerance? 137 Are You Ignoring an Important Connection Between Gluten, Your Gut, and Hashimoto’s?

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