Change of seasons usually means better weather but all the blooms can pose quite a problem for many of us suffering with allergies! There are many different approaches from shots to medications, but for many that are looking for a more natural way, there are several alternatives.
For over 8 years, D-Hist has been our trusted friend in completely natural anti-histamine relief that works extremely quickly without drowsiness or other side effects of conventional allergy medications.
D-Hist contains:
Naturally found in onions, quercetin is a mast cell stabilizerand a powerful natural flavonoid. Quercetin has been shown toinhibit certain compounds that typically affect sinus and respiratory health.
Stinging Nettles Leaf
Studies have shown stinging nettles have demonstrated bothpromising mechanisms and clinical results for supporting nasalpassageway health. While further study is needed, trials haveshown stinging nettles demonstrated measurable differences vs. placebo after only one week.
A strong pineapple enzyme, bromelain has proven mucolyticproperties. As such, bromelain supports normal mucousal tissue function and enhances the absorption of quercetin.
N-Acetyl L-Cysteine (NAC)
An amino acid that is a natural mucolytic, NAC reduces the viscosity of mucus. Studies have shown individuals have beentreated effectively without side effects when given NAC.
We have tried other brands with very similar ingredients but time and time again, we keep going back to this brand because it just works best every time.
And for the little ones try D-Hist Jr which is formulated with the same natural ingredients in a child friendly chewable dose.
To further reduce allergies, it is very helpful to avoid dairy products due to their mucous forming characteristics and high sugar foods as those promote inflammation and immune deregulation.