Avoid Holiday Weight Gain – Travel Resistance Band Workout - Inna Topiler

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Avoid Holiday Weight Gain – Travel Resistance Band Workout

Thanksgiving is next week!  The holiday season is quickly approaching, as well as the parties, food and festivities that come along with it.  Many of us travel to visit friends family and faraway places during this time of year.  Don’t let being away from home and your normal routine prevent you from exercising and gaining weight.

My friend and colleague Becky was very generous to provide some of her favorite ways to ensure that you can strength train in addition to performing cardio while you are away utilizing calisthenics and resistance bands.  These are great tools which are often overlooked when at the gym.  Bands are inexpensive, light and easy to carry in luggage.  What’s more is, the change in your routine will often yield visible results!  What’s better than that?  Getting more fit while on the road?  Or maybe entering the New Year healthier than the last! 

Check out this sample routine – sure to challenge you and give you a total body workout.

Resistance Band Training by Becky’s Fitness Company

WARM UP AND STRETCH- 10 minute warm up jog

Please perform each of the following exercises for 3 sets of 12 reps in circuit form.  There are 3 circuits here- go through the first- performing each exercise for 12 reps then repeat the entire group of exercises 3x.  You will then move on to second circuit, perform 3x and move on from there.  Becky has provided links to video demonstrations for each exercise listed in case you do not know how to execute the move.

Circuit #1:

Walking Side Squat with Resistance Band Bicep Curl with a Resistance Band Tricep Overhead Extension with Resistance Band Shoulder Overhead Press with Resistance Band

Circuit #2:

Walking Side Squat with Resistance Band Squat with Resistance Band Front Raise with a Resistance Band Lat Pull Down with Resistance Bands

Circuit #3

Walking Side Squat with Resistance Band Reverse Lunge with Resistance Band Hammer Curl with a Resistance Band Reverse Flye with a Resistance Band Upright Row with Resistance Bands


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