I have gotten over 300 emails from both clients and listeners asking for my advice on prevention and support for the Coronavirus and while I love to answer emails and do my best to get to each one, I thought a podcast episode and email would be very helpful.
If you like to listen, The Coronavirus Episode is now live on the website, itunes, stitcher and spotify (its short and to the point, under 18 minutes long).
If you prefer to read, below is the full summary of the episode 🙂
In addition to all the questions I get over email I am also on a variety of mailing lists from different practitioners and vendors and I have gotten a lot of their emails too. Its interesting to see what happens when stuff starts to hit the fan so to speak. I found some emails giving general recommendations like washing your hands more while others are using scare tactics claiming their vitamin is THE thing people need to help protect them from this virus.
Additionally we have the media doing their thing and the whole situation becomes confusing and scary. Don’t get me wrong, I a not trying to downplay this, but if you have been listening to my show you know that I like to get the information, put it in perspective and then explore solutions from as many angles as possible. I wanted to give my professional opinion on what may be helpful and what is just hype.
How can you catch Coronavirus?
This is a new virus, which means nobody is an expert on this strain (including me). What we do know is that it’s transmitted similarly to any flu virus. This would be through close contact and respiratory spray. The virus has an incubation period (believed to be from 2 – 14 days) meaning that someone could be infected without having any symptoms yet.
Symptoms of COVID-19
Symptoms range from mild cold-like symptoms (cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, malaise, headache, muscle aches, fever) to more severe symptoms like Acute Respiratory Distress to Pneumonia to the most concerning, Sepsis, Septic Shock and death – although these last ones are less likely to be the outcome. The elderly are at a higher risk of symptoms being severe however, pregnant women and children are not considered high risk.
Diagnosing Coronavirus
The test for Coronavirus is similar to testing for the flu – it’s a simple nose or throat swab. It can also be detected through PCR genetic testing. From my understanding, test kits are not available at doctors offices and only obtained through the CDC or public health department.
Testing is only recommended if you have a fever and lower respiratory symptoms like shortness of breath and cough AND you had contact with someone that has been infected. If you have recently returned from a hotspot like China, Japan, South Korea, Italy, or Iran and have exhibited symptoms for at least 4 days then you may want to be tested. And, if you are experiencing severe lower respiratory symptoms and have already ruled out ALL other pathogens like the flu, testing would be a good idea.
Remember, we are still in flu season so even if you are feeling fluish, it does not automatically mean you have the Coronavirus. Running to the hospital or doctor’s office for testing could increase your chance of exposure, so be sure that you meet all the above criteria before running to get tested.
Should You Get A Mask?
I’ve had a lot of people asking me about prevention and whether or not they should be getting a mask (and if so, which kind). While it’s hard to say if masks are necessary just yet, it’s never a bad idea to have one just in case. The most common type of mask you’ll find on Amazon are surgical masks. These are not designed to protect you from major infections but rather to protect others from catching what you might have. Not only do these masks not have proper filters they also don’t typically fit completely snug so things can still get in and out.
If you are going to get a mask, you need one that filters out 95% or more of very small particles. Those are called P95, R95 or N95 masks. They need to have 2 straps and fit snug so they form a seal around your mouth AND nose. These are typically around $30. It doesn’t hurt to get one because they can also be used to filter air when biking or running in poor air quality (great for someone living in a big city).
Nasal Rinsing for Prevention
One of my big recommendations for prevention (or if you may have just been exposed) is a nasal rinse. When we are exposed to infections, we typically breathe them in and they hang out in the nose for a few days while they incubate. So just like it’s important to wash your hands, washing out your nose can be really helpful. There are a few options for nasal rinsing. The Neti pot is common but some (myself included!) find it awkward. I use the Neilmed which has the same effect as a Neti pot but I think way easier to use. Whichever method you choose, make sure you use a saline solution.
I recommend a mixture that is even more antimicrobial with the addition of 2-3 tablespoons of Silvercillin to the water and salt. Alternatively, you can use a spray called Xlear which is purified water, xylitol (a natural sweetener with antimicrobial properties), salt and some grapefruit seed extract. If you tune in to the episode, i give the exact instructions on how to do it.
Do Supplements Prevent or Treat Coronavirus?
Because this is a virus we’ve never seen before, there’s currently no vaccine to prevent Novel Coronavirus and there are no medications to treat it just yet. When it comes to supplements, a strain of elderberry called Sambucus Formosana Nakai has shown positive effects against other corona viruses but that doesn’t mean it’s specifically effective against the Novel Coronavirus but it does have antiviral properties. Other natural antivirals include Vitamin C, Oil of Oregano, Silvercillin, Lomatium and Monolaurin. High doses of Vitamin C and Vitamin D may also be helpful in later stages as it helps modulate the immune system.
Anything you can do to strengthen your immune system is going to be key. We can do this with our diet by including more colorful vegetables (eat the rainbow), taking immune boosters like the ones mentioned above, and ensuring you’re getting enough probiotics.
I think the important thing to know here is that there is no one magic supplement for this.. I’m sorry to say but there just isn’t. Its best to use a few things together. Pick a few of these supplements that you have tried in the past and have had good experiences with and work on your diet at the same time.
Worrying about Coronavirus will not help
It’s important, of course, to be aware and do all of the things you can to avoid exposure and transmission of the Novel Coronavirus BUT stressing about is not going to help. In fact, it’s going to hurt your immune system.
As much as I love supplements, all the supplements in the world will probably not do too much if you are super stressed. There is an inverse relationship between cortisol and your immune system. When you worry and stress about the virus, you trigger the release of cortisol. Anything that you can do to lower your nervous system and lower your cortisol is going to help – try breathing, meditation, taking time for yourself, listening to music, dancing, and laughing.
When it comes to mindset, while of course you need to take all the proper precautions and steps to help your body be at its best, try and adapt a mindset that your body is strong, that your body knows how to fight infections and your body can heal. Having the right belief system is going to make everything work better.Reality Check
While this is all very new to us, from what we have seen so far, the later stages of sepsis shock and death are not that common, especially if you are young and generally healthy.