Perimenopause and Hashimoto’s + My Personal Hormone Journey - Inna Topiler

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Perimenopause and Hashimoto’s + My Personal Hormone Journey

Unexplained Weight Gain? What You Need to Know About Perimenopause and Menopause

One of the most common things I hear from women, especially those in their late 30s and 40s, is that they suddenly experience weight gain, brain fog, and fatigue. These symptoms often seem to appear out of nowhere, and no matter what they try – changing their diet, increasing exercise – nothing seems to work.

Many women are surprised to learn that these changes could be linked to perimenopause, which can start as early as age 35 and last from 10-15 years. Hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone begin to decline at different rates depending on the individual, which can cause a variety of symptoms long before we experience symptoms we associate with menopause like hot-flashes.

How Perimenopause Affects Your Hormones

Perimenopause is when hormone levels begin to decline. You might not see any obvious changes in your cycle, but the hormonal shift is happening. The main hormones involved are estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, and they don’t necessarily decline all at once or at the same rate. For some women, progesterone decreases first, while for others, it might be estrogen or testosterone.

This is why a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work. It’s not right to assume that every woman at a certain age is low in a specific hormone. The onset of perimenopause symptoms varies, and understanding your unique hormonal profile is essential to determine the right support for your body.

The Hidden Symptoms of Estrogen Decline

Estrogen levels can start to go down between the ages of 41 and 43, and with this decline, a host of symptoms can appear that aren’t typically associated with menopause. Many people think of hot flashes and vaginal dryness as the hallmark symptoms of menopause, but there are other symptoms that appear years before those.

  • Weight Gain: Sudden weight gain around the abdomen is often one of the first signs.
  • Brain Fog: Difficulty with word recall or feeling foggy can happen long before the classic menopause symptoms.
  • Fatigue: A sudden drop in energy levels is common, even if you haven’t changed your daily routine.
  • Headaches: An increase in headaches and even migraines may be experienced. 

Two Main Schools of Thought on Managing Menopause

When it comes to menopause and perimenopause, there are generally two approaches:

  1. Do Nothing: This approach involves riding through the natural decline of hormones. Some may take herbs and make lifestyle changes to minimize symptoms but refrain from adding any hormones back into the body.
  2. Hormonal Support: The other approach is to use bioidentical hormones to support the body through the hormonal decline. Bioidentical hormones are more natural and are designed to mimic the body’s own hormones, which can help maintain heart, brain, bone, skin, and libido health.

Many women have concerns about using hormones, especially due to media coverage of past studies linking hormone therapy to health risks. However, it’s essential to revisit those studies and understand the context to make informed decisions. I discuss this in greater detail in episodes 153 and 154 of my podcast, where we dive into the flaws of those initial studies.

My Personal Journey with Perimenopause and Hormone Support

As someone who recently went through this experience, I wanted to share my personal journey. I started experiencing unexplained weight gain and brain fog around the age of 43, after having my second child. Despite eating the same and maintaining my usual routine, the weight wouldn’t budge.

Initially, I continued breastfeeding my daughter (longer than planned), which I thought may have contributed to my declining estrogen levels. But, even after weaning her, the weight stayed, and my brain fog persisted. That’s when I consulted with hormone expert, Emily Sadri (who I spoke with in episodes 153 and 154). I knew she would help me explore the option of getting hormone support.

Hormone Therapy: Finding What Works

I began hormone therapy with a low dose of bioidentical estrogen and progesterone. I started small, gradually increasing my dosage, monitoring my body’s reactions, and regularly testing my hormone levels. With time and the correct dose, I noticed:

  • Improved Energy: My energy levels started to improve, and the brain fog lessened.
  • Reduced Headaches: Hormonal headaches that had been bothering me for days on end were significantly reduced.
  • Weight Loss: After months of trial and adjustment, I finally saw the weight start to come off.

Testing and Supplements to Support Hormone Health

When considering hormone support, it’s crucial to regularly test your hormone levels using both blood tests and more comprehensive methods like the Dutch test. The Dutch test not only measures hormone levels but also looks at how well your body is metabolizing them, which can help ensure that your hormone therapy is working optimally.

Additionally, I support my hormone health with sulforaphane supplements like BroccoProtect, which aids in the healthy metabolism of estrogen. Some may have heard of DIM (Diindolylmethane), but this supplement can lower estrogen levels, so it’s typically used only when estrogen levels are where they need to be.

A New Era of Hormone Education

Understanding your body’s unique hormone profile and how it changes during perimenopause and menopause can empower you to take the right steps. Whether it’s exploring bioidentical hormone therapy, making lifestyle adjustments, or using natural supplements, there are options to support your body through this transition.

I’m excited to share that my colleague Emily has created a comprehensive summit featuring 42 experts covering every aspect of perimenopause and menopause. This summit is an invaluable resource, whether you’re in your 30s and starting to experience the early symptoms, or already in menopause.

Click here to register for the summit and gain insights into how you can support your health during this critical time.

Eliminating Health Mysteries

I was able to find that missing piece of the hormone health puzzle and start to regain my health. While my journey with hormones is ongoing, I’ve found relief and improvement through personalized support and monitoring. Could hormone support be the missing clue in your health mystery?


Related Podcast Episodes:

153: A Novel Approach to Supporting Hormones in Perimenopause and Menopause with Emily Sadri

154: A Novel Approach to Supporting Hormones in Perimenopause and Menopause with Emily Sadri (Part 2)

96: Demystifying Hormones for Perimenopause and Menopause with Dr. Jim Hrncir

110: Demystifying Hormones for Perimenopause and Menopause with Dr. Jim Hrncir (Part 2)

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