Can Mold Cause Digestive Issues and Increase Hashimoto’s Symptoms with Evan Brand - Inna Topiler

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Can Mold Cause Digestive Issues and Increase Hashimoto’s Symptoms with Evan Brand

Hashimoto’s Symptoms, Digestive issues, and Their Relationship to Mold Toxins

The Case: 

  • Mira has Hashimoto’s and also suffers from digestive issues. 
  • These issues are long-standing and doctors or dietary changes have been ineffective
  • Researching online has her feeling overwhelmed and lost. 

There’s so much confusing information online and when that is paired with a doctor telling you that there is nothing to be done or that tests show no issues, it leaves many Hashimoto’s patients suffering from gut issues resigned to never feeling good again. That’s why I was so glad that Mira came to me so we could do some real investigating to find the root cause of her digestive issues. 

The Investigation

I turned to a good friend of the Health Mysteries Solved show, Evan Brand. He is a functional medicine doctor and he also has his own podcast, The Evan Brand Show. He’s shared his expertise with us before, if you haven’t listened to episode 6, I encourage you to go back and give it a listen – it was a very eye-opening look at the hidden risks of mold. We discussed mold in this episode as well but I wanted to start our conversation talking about digestive issues for those with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s. 

Digestive Issues Triggering Autoimmunity (including Hashimoto’s) May Start in Childhood

We don’t often think about the relationship between our gut health and our immune system but they are incredibly connected. Evan shares that some of these issues start at a very early age. Evan believes it is crucial to address children’s gut health as resolving these issues early on may help prevent the development of Hashimoto’s and other autoimmune conditions in their teenage and adult years. He specifically points to autoimmune-triggering bacteria such as Klebsiella, Morganella, Strep, Staph, and Pseudomonas, which have been linked to various autoimmune conditions. 

Evan encourages parents to consider gut health as a potential cause for behavioral issues, hyper-sensitivities, attention challenges, or other personality changes that could easily be presumed to be ADHD, OCD, or personality quirks. These could in fact, says Evan, be signs of a bacterial imbalance, parasites, or mold toxicity. He stresses the importance of dealing with these issues early because they can develop into long-term consequences such as anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, weight issues, sleep problems, behavioral issues, and learning difficulties as they grow older. Evan also notes that dysbiosis, an imbalance of gut bacteria, can occur at a young age, regardless of whether the child was born via C-section or vaginal birth.

Lyme Disease and Babesiosis As Autoimmunity Triggers

Evan also notes that babies can contract Lyme disease through the placenta of an infected mother or directly through a tick bite. He notes that tick bites are a growing problem. 

Evan points to a recent statement from the CDC called Trends in Reported Babesiosis Cases which points to the significant increase in babesiosis cases from 2011 to 2019. Interestingly, he says that if cases go undiagnosed, these issues could be the cause of Hashimoto’s. 

This concept aligns with what we talk about all the time on this show regarding the triggers of Hashimoto’s including bacterial overgrowth, stress, and mold or toxin exposure. Evan explains that addressing these underlying issues often leads to a decrease in antibodies associated with Hashimoto’s, highlighting the domino effect of these interconnected health conditions.

Are Hashimoto’s and Autoimmunity a Purely Modern Health Threat

Evan and I discuss how our ancestors may have dealt with these infections and pathogens in the past. While these issues likely existed, they weren’t as prevalent due to differences in environmental factors, stress levels, and exposure to chemicals and technology. Our modern lifestyles contribute to chronic inflammation and dysbiosis, leading to the autoimmune misery we see today. It’s important to address these root causes, including gut health, to alleviate symptoms and improve overall well-being.

Testing for Hidden Causes of Ill-Health

Diagnosing dysbiosis, infections, and autoimmune diseases requires tests that go beyond what a conventional doctor (or even a gastroenterologist or endocrinologist) will order. Evan suggests combining DNA stool testing with an organic acids test (if budget permits), as it provides a broader picture of gut health and mitochondrial function. These are exactly the tests I recommend to my clients because these advanced tests allow us to uncover underlying infections, dysbiosis, and other issues that may be contributing to autoimmune conditions like Hashimoto’s.

Where to Start in Solving Dysbiosis and Other Potential Hashimoto’s Triggers

Comprehensive testing, as mentioned above, is the key to knowing where to start. In most cases, treatment begins with dietary changes, supplements, as well as lifestyle changes. However, even with these actions, if the root cause of the issue is not addressed, the issues will pop back up eventually. This is why it’s so important to find the root cause and address it. 

If gut issues go untreated or under-treated, it can also lead to low energy levels, poor fat metabolism, anxiety, reduced sex drive, and lower self-confidence. This can create stress which further exacerbates the issues. This is why it’s so important to get the tests and treat the root cause, not the symptoms. This is especially true if mold is the root cause. 

The Impact of Mold in Our Homes and on Our Health

Mold is more than just a cosmetic issue; it can have a significant impact on our well-being. Mold spores can trigger allergic reactions, and respiratory issues, and even contribute to chronic conditions. Recognizing the potential health risks associated with mold exposure is the first step toward protecting ourselves and our loved ones.

To test your home for mold, Evan suggests using the petri dish method because it allows you to identify specific rooms in the home where mold issues exist. For example, you may find that the basement has the highest concentration of spores but that your daughter’s bedroom is fine. This allows you to treat specific areas and not feel like your entire house is hurting you. This is important because the stress of thinking that your entire house is a threat to your health can have a serious impact on your stress levels which can also impact your thyroid. 

It’s so important to know that mold can be mitigated and the impact of the mold in your home can be managed. Not panicking and dealing with the issues calmly are an important part of staying healthy through this issue. 

In addition, doing stool and urine tests can help you track the impact of mold and the results of removing the mold. 

How to start addressing gut infections and underlying mold

In this episode, we discussed many protocols for addressing bacterial and parasitic infections and gut inflammation. There are many over-the-counter options but ultimately, it’s ideal to work with a holistic practitioner for personalized guidance. 

If you want to take action on your own, Evan suggests using binders as a starting point, considering the prevalence of toxins, chemicals, pesticides, and mold in today’s world. He mentions that binders are generally safe and necessary for detoxification but suggests not just using charcoal – a blend of binders is more effective. 

There are many options but he recommends the GI detox. The GI detox is a blend of zeolite, charcoal, silica, pectin, and fulvic or humic acid. Evan explains that this blend effectively binds various toxins. Zeolite, for example, is effective for heavy metals, while the clay component specifically targets a highly estrogenic mycotoxin called Xarelanone, which originates from the mold Fusarium commonly found in water-damaged buildings. Xarelanone can disrupt female hormones, leading to infertility, miscarriages, and fetal abnormalities. The presence of Xarelanone can be detected through a urine test (organic acids test). 

A Caution About Using Probiotics with Hashimoto’s and Histamine Intolerance

Probiotics are also important in dealing with a mold detox. However, many Evan finds that Hashimoto’s patients tend to have histamine-producing bacterial overgrowth, which can contribute to food sensitivities and mast cell issues. For this reason, he utilizes low histamine strains of bacteria in their protocols. He mentions that they now incorporate probiotics right from the beginning, as they have discovered that certain probiotics can actually convert mold into less damaging forms.

Evan mentions a blend called ProBio 50 that he has reviewed with Dr. Tanya Dempsey, an expert in mast cell issues. He explains that according to Dr. Dempsey, Bifidolactis and Lactobacillus Acidophilus, which are included in the blend, are considered low histamine strains. 

On the other hand, he believes that strep strains typically fall into the high histamine category. Evan acknowledges that more research can be done to confirm these categorizations, but he has found success using the ProBio 50 blend with even the most sensitive individuals, as opposed to spore-based products which can elicit histamine reactions in some people.

It’s important to note that spore-based probiotics may work well for individuals with SIBO, others may react negatively due to their unique biochemistry. This highlights the importance of individualized approaches in selecting the right probiotics for each person’s specific needs and sensitivities.

Here is a list of probiotic strains that are both histamine-increasing and lowering. 

Histamine-increasing strains:

  • Lactobacillus Casei
  • Lactobacillus Bulgaricus
  • Streptococcus Thermophilus
  • Lactobacillus Delbrueckii
  • Lactobacillus Helveticus
  • Lactobacillus Reuteri

Histamine-lowering strains:

  • Lactobacillus Plantarum
  • Bifidobacterium Longum – helps improve gut barrier and assists in histamine degradation
  • Bifidobacterium Infantis
  • Lactobacillus Rhamnosus

Lactobacillus Reuteri is one of the most common strains that increase histamines and should be avoided by those with histamine intolerances.

Balancing Treatments to Ensure Optimal Results

While it might seem obvious to use a low histamine-producing probiotic if you have histamine intolerance, Evan explains that balance is the key. Using histamine-reducing probiotics alongside histamine-producing ones can create a balance. In addition to probiotics during a mold detox, it’s also important to support the adrenals and liver. His recommendations include milk thistle and medicinal mushrooms such as chaga and turkey tail, which are considered immune-modulating formulas.

Evan emphasizes the significance of adaptogenic herbs for hormonal support, particularly in women above the age of 40. He says herbs such as Rhodiola, maca, and Siberian ginseng can help the body cope with stress. These adaptogens can also address issues like temperature regulation, such as feeling cold all the time or experiencing hot flashes. Evan shares that incorporating these herbs into the protocol can improve the individual’s ability to tolerate temperature changes and engage in activities without feeling faint or woozy.

Of course, it’s important to have a holistic approach when designing protocols, focusing not only on immediate improvements but also on long-term solutions. This includes addressing environmental factors such as mold, toxins, and synthetic fragrances in the home, as well as adopting a clean and organic lifestyle. 

The final piece of the puzzle is maintaining a positive mindset, fostering relationships, and engaging in activities that bring joy and a sense of connection. This can be what tips the scales to optimal health. 

Next Steps 

There is so much that you can do to unravel the mystery of your symptoms by looking at some of the most common triggers. Especially if you have digestive issues on top of autoimmunity, you really can’t go wrong by starting in the gut.

That’s exactly what Mira and I did. We ran a DNA stool test and an organic acid test. We found that she had quite a bit of dysbiosis. We also found that there was fat in the stool so we used bitters and Advanced TUDCA to increase bile production. This also helped to reduce pain during bowel movements. 

We started Mira on the binder Evan mentions, GI Detox but I also rotated in Biotoxin Binder. We added anti-fungals and anti-microbials, GI MicrobX, Allimax, Oil of Oregano, FC Cidal, and Dysbiocide. This was to address the specific infections found in her gut. 

Mira also had a parasite so we used Para 1 and Para 2 which we timed around the full moon. 

It’s important to note that initially, this made Mira feel worse but that is part of the die-off process and soon, she was feeling much better. 

We added more fiber to her diet by increasing her vegetable intake which helped with diversifying her gut. We also exposed her to many different probiotic strains including probiotic 225 and PriobioMed 50. After that, we used Entrovite (a post-biotic) to improve the diversification and find that balance of good and bad gut bugs. 

Happy Ending

There’s no question that Mira needed serious support to get her gut health back to happy. Once we found that happy balance in her gut, her Hasimoto’s antibodies dropped, her energy improved and she lost weight. 

Eliminating Health Mysteries

For Mira, we were able to find that missing piece of the health puzzle and help her regain her health. Could this be the missing clue for you or someone in your life? 


Resources mentioned:

Thanks to my guest Evan Brand. You can connect with him through his website:

Evan referenced a histamine expert named Lindsay Christensen from Ascent to Health. He also referenced the Trends in Reported Babesiosis Cases — United States, 2011–2019 | MMWR ( from the CDC. 

Suggested Products

GI Detox Para 1 Para 2 Advanced TUDCA Biotoxin Binder GI MicrobX Allimax Oil of Oregano FC Cidal Dysbiocide

Related Podcast Episodes:

6 The Case of the Dizzy, Tired, Confused Brain w/ Evan Brand 81 The Mystery of Histamine Overload w/ Dr. Beth O’Hara 137 Are You Ignoring an Important Connection Between Gluten, Your Gut, and Hashimoto’s?

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